Code of conduct

SIGMA Code of Conduct 


This code of conduct (“CC”) applies to SIGMA Imaging Nordic AB (“SIGMA”) (org. 559236-1769 in Sweden and its branch office in Norway 925 977 284) and the products and services provided in the Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland) with its office in Stockholm, Sweden.

The CC outlines SIGMA’s core values and commitment to the fundamental principle of human rights, ethical business practices, mitigation of climate change and workplace inclusion and diversity. The CC are part of the overall effort by SIGMAto raise the bar on environmental and social responsibility and act to form a sustainable future.

Any issues, queries or reports of non-conformance of the CC are to be addressed to:

SIGMA Imaging Nordic AB
Att: General Manager
Kungsholms Strand 157
SE-112 48 Stockholm 


General requirements

1.1. General principle

SIGMA operates in accordance with the principles of this CC and in full compliance with laws and regulations. For some areas, this CC goes beyond mere compliance with the law to advance social and environmental responsibility. When differences arise between CC and legal requirements, the stricter position to corporate responsibility shall prevail, provided it is in accordance with applicable law.

1.2. Sub-suppliers

Sub-suppliers are also responsible for deploying these principles throughout the supply chain including assessments, audits, inspections and corrective actions.


Environmental standards

1.3. Reduce footprint

SIGMA strives to continuously reduce their environmental footprint by (i) using natural resources sustainably, (ii) promoting recyclability and (iii) taking all reasonable measures to mitigate climate change and reduce carbon footprint.

1.4. Energy consumption

Energy consumption is to be tracked and documented at the facility and or corporate level. Participants are to look for cost-effective methods to improve energy efficiency and minimize their energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

1.5. Air emissions

SIGMA ensures air emissions of volatile organic chemicals, aerosols, corrosives, particulates, ozone-depleting chemicals and combustion by-products and greenhouse gas emissions generated from operations are characterized, regularly monitored, controlled and treated as required prior to discharge.

1.6. Hazard management

SIGMA has in place a systematic approach to manage hazardous and non-hazardous waste responsibly. SIGMA keep record information on how much waste (of all categories) is generated and store it in clearly designated storage areas.

1.7. Wastewater treatment

SIGMA shall ensure that wastewater generated from production lines is characterized, monitored, controlled and treated as required prior to discharge or disposal.


Business practices

1.8. Highest standards

SIGMA strives to uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethical business behaviour in all operations.

1.9. Fair competition

SIGMA conducts their business in compliance with applicable antitrust and fair competition laws.

1.10. Extortion, bribery and such

SIGMA neither directly nor indirectly participate in any act of extortion or embezzlement, or in any form of bribery or corruption including promising, offering, giving or accepting of any undue benefit to induce or reward an improper conduct to gain any commercial, contractual, regulatory or personal advantage. A benefit may include, but is not limited to, gift, facilitation payment, loan, money, fee, reward, journey, service, bonus, voucher of any kind, order samples for personal use or employment contracts.

1.11. Accurate business records

SIGMA keeps accurate business records regarding their activities, structure and performance, and should disclose these in accordance with applicable regulations and industry benchmark practices. SIGMA also ensures that information regarding its business activities, labor practices, health and safety, and environmental protection is accurately recorded. The information shall be disclosed, without falsification and misrepresentation, to all appropriate parties and in accordance with applicable laws.

1.12. Export & Import

SIGMA ensures that its business practices comply with applicable laws and regulations governing export, import and retransfer of products, software, technical data and assistance.

1.13. Conflict minerals

SIGMA, manufacturing or distributing components, parts, or products containing tin, tantalum, tungsten, and/or gold has a Conflict Mineral Policy, outlining their commitment for responsible sourcing and legal compliance. SIGMA exercises due diligence on relevant minerals in their supply chains to ensure traceability of these metals to smelter level and take appropriate steps to mitigate the use of conflict minerals or derivative metals sourced from mines controlled by armed groups in all items provided to the market. SIGMA sources from "conflict-free" validated smelters to the extent sustainable without detrimental effects to the local population. SIGMA supports industry efforts to enhance traceability and responsible practices in global minerals supply chains.

1.14. Privacy 

SIGMA commits to protecting the reasonable privacy expectations of the personal information of everyone they do business with, including suppliers, customers, consumers, and employees. SIGMA complies with privacy and information security laws (such as GDPR) and regulatory requirements when personal information is collected, stored, processed, transmitted, and shared.


Human and labor rights

1.15. Child labor

SIGMA guarantees that child labor is not to be used in any stage of manufacturing. The term "child" refers to any person under the age of 15, or under the age for completing compulsory education, or under the minimum age for employment in the country, whichever is greatest. Participants shall implement an appropriate mechanism to verify the age of workers. The use of legitimate workplace learning programs, which comply with all laws and regulations, is supported. Workers under the age of 18 (Young Workers) shall not perform work that is likely to jeopardize their health or safety, including night shifts and overtime.

1.16. Working hours

Working hours are not to exceed the maximum set by local law. Exceptions may be viable in emergency and unusual situations.

1.17. Wages & benefits

Compensation to workers shall comply with all applicable local wage laws, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime hours and legally mandated benefits. Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted. All use of temporary, dispatch and outsourced labor will be within the limits of local law.

1.18. Non-discrimination and non-harassment

SIGMA is committed to be a workplace free of harassment and unlawful discrimination. SIGMA do not engage in discrimination or harassment based on race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity or national origin, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union membership, covered veteran status, protected genetic information or marital status in hiring and employment practices such as wages, promotions, rewards, and access to training.

1.19. Freedom of association

In conformance with local law, participants shall respect the right of all workers to form and join trade unions of their choosing, to bargain collectively, and to engage in peaceful assembly as well as respect the right of workers to refrain from such activities. Workers and/or their representatives shall be able to openly communicate and share ideas and concerns with management regarding working conditions and management practices without fear of discrimination, reprisal, intimidation, or harassment.


Health and safety

1.20. Permits

SIGMA obtains, keep current, and comply with all required health & safety permits.

1.21. Safety training

SIGMA provides the staff with appropriate health & safety training in the appropriate language. Health and safety-related information shall be clearly posted in the facility and encourage staff feedback on health and safety issues.

1.22. Work injuries

SIGMA has local processes for tracking, reporting and investigating work-related injuries and incidents. The staff are encouraged to report all injuries and incidents (minor, major, and near misses).

1.23. Production hazards

SIGMA ensures that health and safety hazards associated with production are identified and controlled by eliminating, substituting or minimizing the hazard with the help of engineering and administration controls. In cases where the health and safety risk cannot be otherwise controlled suppliers shall ensure that the staff are equipped with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) if needed for the tasks. PPE shall be provided free of charge, be in good condition, regularly checked and maintained and be used by workers.

1.24. Staff safety

SIGMA shall ensure that their safety complies with legal requirements. Emergency evacuation routes shall be posted in each work area. Exits shall be clearly marked, aisles unblocked and exit doors unlocked and open outwards. Lighting must be sufficient to light corridors, halls, staircases along evacuation routes, and must be checked and maintained. Fire alarms shall be visible and audible to all workers. Sprinkler systems and smoke detectors shall be implemented according to legal requirements. Fire extinguishers must be placed in visible and accessible locations and checked and maintained on a regular basis.

1.25. Emergency care

All staff shall have access to first aid and emergency care. First aid kits must be available in visible and accessible locations, kept properly stocked and replenished on a continual basis. At least one person in the local location shall have training in basic first aid. The identity of the first aiders shall be clearly displayed in work areas and be incorporated in the emergency response plan.

1.26. Facilities

SIGMA ensures that the staff are provided with access to clean toilet facilities and potable water. If a canteen is available on the location, the supplier shall ensure that it is clean and hygienic and have fire precaution measures. Applicable laws and regulations regarding to food hygiene management shall be identified and followed. Compliance reviews shall be carried out periodically.

1.27. Dormitories

lf SIGMA or a labour agent provides worker dormitories, they shall be clean and safe. The dormitories shall be equipped with fire extinguishers, exits, lighting, offer hot water for bathing, showering, have adequate heat and cooling. In addition, they should provide reasonable personal space, along with reasonable entry and exit privileges. Dormitories shall be provided at a reasonable cost and be voluntary to live in. The staff shall be free to enter and always exit.

1.28. Work/life balance

SIGMA promotes a healthy and work life balance and secure that the staff is well aware about the importance of maintaining a good work life balance and that local laws and regulations are followed.


Compliance and audits

1.29. Audits

SIGMA and/or any of its sub-suppliers shall on request provide all appropriate records and documentation needed to follow up the compliance of the Code.

Reporting of non-conformance

1.32. Reporting

SIGMA encourages our employees and sub-supplier’s employees to report any known or suspected deviation or non-conformances from this CC by contacting SIGMA at

1.33. Non-retaliation

Regardless of the reporting channel, all allegations of potential violations of the CC that are made in good faith will receive a swift, fair and comprehensive investigation conducted with the relevant internal and/or external assistance. There shall be no retaliation or other negative consequences for persons reporting in good faith. The information received will be managed according to applicable data privacy laws and regulations.